Estonian Frequency Dictionary 
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Frequency lists based on 0.5 million words of fiction texts (representing years 1992-1998), and 0.5 million words newspaper texts (from years 1995-1999).
Three frequency lists, with words and their frequencies in the sub-corpora and in the whole corpus:
10 000 lemmas (includes also POS)
1000 most frequent word forms
100 words representing only one of the sub-corpora - words that counted as frequent in one of the sub-corpora, but were missing in the other.
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Sagedusloendid, mis on tehtud 0,5 miljoni sõnaga ilukirjanduse korpuse baasil (aastatest 1992-1998) ja 0,5 miljoni sõnaga ajakirjanduse korpuse baasil (1995-1999). Kolm sagedusloendit sõnade ja nende sagedustega alamkorpustest ning koondkorpuses 10 000 lemmat (sõnaliikidega) 1000 sagedasemat sõnavormi, 100 sõna, mis on iseloomulikud ainult ühele allkorpusele, kuid puuduvad teises.
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