EVENTI Task @ EVALITA 2014 Test-Gold PILOT

This dataset consists of more than 5,000 tokens from newspaper articles published in "Il Trentino" by Alcide De Gasperi, one of the founders of the Italian Republic and one of the fathers of the European Union. All the selected news stories date back to 1914, the year of the outbreak of World War 1.

The dataset has been manually annotated with semantic information: events, temporal expressions and temporal relations following the It-TimeML guidelines that are compliant with ISO-TimeML, the international standard based on TimeML (Time Markup Language). Annotation was carried out by the HLT and Digital Humanities groups at Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK, Trento).

Data are released in the XML-based stand-off format provided by CAT (Content Annotation Tool, http://dh.fbk.eu/resources/cat-content-annotation-tool), the tool used to annotate the corpus.

This dataset was used in the pilot task of the EVENTI evaluation exercise @ EVALITA 2014. Data of the main task are also available in META-SHARE.

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