This is the LMF version of the LMF UPF Term located at http://www.iula.upf.edu/rec/upfterm/cat/index.htm. The UPF_TERM terminological data bank was created with the purpose of establishing an electronic resort for the consultation and diffusion of terminological projects elaborated by students of the Facultat de Traducció i Interpretació, by the IULA and other work and research centres in the Universitat Pompeu Fabra. The UPF_TERM bank, placed in a database server devoted to this end, is free access for students, lecturers and researchers, from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra as well as outside users. UPF_TERM is the name that receives the set of global resorts of this terminology bank, which is divided in several databases. Each database gathers terminological papers with common features; therefore, the questions and answers can be more productive. Each register of each database has the author, the title and the origin of each project.
- UPF Term located at http://www.iula.upf....
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