Nenets Corpus (Tundra Nenets) (UHLCS)

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Nenetsin korpus (UHLCS)


The corpus is available in Kielipankki - the Language Bank of Finland (, access rights instructions:


Fragments of the Gospel of Luke in the Nenets Language.
Translation: Barmich, Mariya Yakovlevna.
ISBN 91-88794-05-9. 32 pp.
Institute for Bible Translation.
Stockholm 1995.

The Nenets corpus also contains a Tundra Nenets sample sentence corpus compiled by Tapani Salminen (September 22, 1998, April 9, 1999). The name of the original publication: N. M. Tereshchenko, Nenecko-russkij slovar´ (Moskva: Sovetskaja Ènciklopedija, 1965). The linguistic material consists of the dictionary.

The Nenets Corpus is a part of the UHLCS corpus collection.

UHLCS has many different IPR holders. Should you have any questions regarding the collection, please contact Pirkko Suihkonen (

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The purpose of the resource use must be outlined in a research plan.

You don’t have the permission to edit this resource.