14 Language Resources

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 EUROPARL Corpus Parallel Corpora: Portuguese-English    
Number of downloads 0 Number of views 130
  • English
  • Portuguese
 Illum Corpus    
Number of downloads 0 Number of views 144
  • Maltese
 Laws of Malta - English    
Number of downloads 0 Number of views 112
  • English
 Laws of Malta - Maltese    
Number of downloads 0 Number of views 145
  • Maltese
 Maltese Wordlist    
Number of downloads 0 Number of views 140
  • Maltese
 U-Compare Apertium Part-of-Speech Tagging Workflow  
Number of downloads 0 Number of views 98
  • Basque
  • Catalan; Valencian
  • English
  • Galician
  • Portuguese
  • Spanish; Castilian
 U-Compare Lemmatisation service  
Number of downloads 0 Number of views 95
  • English
  • French
  • Romanian
 U-Compare NP Chunking Service  
Number of downloads 0 Number of views 89
  • Romanian
 U-Compare Segmentation Service  
Number of downloads 0 Number of views 93
  • Romanian
 U-Compare speech synthesis and visualisation workflow  
Number of downloads 0 Number of views 92
  • English
  • Spanish; Castilian